How Long Should You Rest Between Sets?

YouR Rest Period Can Range From As little as 30 seconds to as much as 5 minutes Depending on Several Factors

– The rest period between sets matters if you are looking to optimize your training for a specific goal. – In other words, are the weights light, moderate, heavy, or very heavy?

Does Rest Time Between Sets Matter?

If you are training for muscle growth, research shows that you should keep your rest periods up to 3 minutes. (Assuming you are using a heavy weight)

How Long Should You Rest For Muscle Growth

If you are training to build strength (aka strength training), you should keep your rest periods between 3 and 4 minutes. I'll explain why in a moment.

How Long Should You Rest For Strength?

If you are training for maximal strength (i.e 1 rep max training), you should use long rest periods of about 4 – 5 minutes.

How Long Should You Rest Between Sets When Using Maximum Weight?

SWIPE UP TO SEE  WHEN YOU SHOULD USE 30-60 seconds REST & How To Design An Efficient workout