Welcome To The Green Smoothie Series

Preparing These Smoothies Are Quick And Easy, And Most Importantly, They Allow Us To Consume Several Servings Of Fruits And Vegetables On The Go.

What Is A Green Smoothie?

Green smoothies consist of a combination of vegetables (particularly the green leafy vegetables), delicious fruit, and a liquid base.

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking A Green Smoothie?

The major benefit of drinking a green smoothie allows you to get your daily serving of fruits and vegetables (as well as key nutrients) on the go

Preparing A Green  Smoothie

- Ideally, green smoothies should contain at least 2-3 servings of green leafy vegetables and 2 servings of fruit

– These ingredients could be meal prepped and stored in the freezer for future use – For a ‘green juice’ consistency, use water for the liquid base, and use fresh fruits and vegetables