Are Adjustable Dumbbells Good? (A Busy Doctor's Review)

Should you invest in adjustable dumbbells? Are they good for home gyms? In this story, you will learn: – the pros and cons of adjustable dumbbells & whether they are the right investment for you.

Yes, adjustable dumbbells are good. They are convenient, space-saving, and feature an extensive enough weight range to satisfy the majority of lifters.

Are Adjustable Dumbbells Good?

– Easy to use – They save space  –  Allow you to use small weight increments, such as 2.5 lb or 5 lb.

What Are The Benefits Of Adjustable Dumbbells?

– Some adjustable dumbbells are larger and longer than regular dumbbells, restricting movement in some exercises. – Adjustable dumbbell mechanisms might get broken or stop working as intended

What Are The Cons Of Adjustable Dumbbells?

In addition, adjustable dumbbells are not cheap. You can expect to spend several hundred dollars to own a pair. If you want a heavier set (>50 lbs), you might pay upwards of $600.