Get Strong, Improve Your Health, and Maximize Longevity In Just 30 Minutes A Day
A Simple Workout Program Created By Two Doctors To Help You Stay Fit, Build Strength, and Minimize Injury!
Backed by The WCT 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

Do you want to be fit and build lean muscle, but you don’t have a lot of time to exercise?
Is feeling youthful a top priority for you, but you have nagging aches & pains and restricted mobility?
Are you getting older, and want to stay active, but you also don’t want to get injured?
Are you tired of all the conflicting advice out there?
If so, you’re in the right place.
There are A lot of Free Workout Programs Online…
The problem is that you’re too busy to sift through all of them and figure out what will work best for you, your lifestyle, and your schedule.
And quite honestly, many of those programs can be overwhelming, full of fluff, and time-consuming.
Many programs aren’t designed to help busy people like you, let alone improve health and longevity.
These programs are Time-Consuming, Inefficient, and Unrealistic
The good news is that there is a better way.
What you need is a simple and realistic workout plan that eliminates the nonsense and focuses ONLY on the things that matter most.
Imagine if you Had A Realistic Workout Plan That Helped You Stay Active, Increased Your Strength, And Improve Your Healthspan…
Introducing The WCT Strength Program
A Simple Program For Building Muscle, Gaining Strength and Improving Functional Fitness (In Just 30 Minutes A Day)

The WCT Strength Program is a 15-week exercise program that will help you build muscle and gain functional strength while minimizing the amount of time you need to be at the gym.
You’ll learn the exact strategies that you can use to build muscle, keep your body strong, and achieve better health, even if you have limited free time.
What Makes This Program Different Than Others?
The WCT Strength Program is different from other programs in 3 regards:
1) It Eliminates The Fluff
The majority of workout programs online contain a lot of ‘fluff’ that is low yield, and simply a waste of time.
The WCT Strength Program uses only the best exercises, in a way that builds muscle and strength in the most efficient results possible.
This program is a result of everything I have tried and tested over the last 15+ years of my life.
I took the best parts of each program and combined them into one.
2) It Focuses On Time Spent At The Gym
As a busy professional, you don’t have an hour to spend at the gym.
Very few programs focus on the stuff that really works while trying to minimize the time spent at the gym.

Each workout lasts 30-35 minutes per day, making it easy and feasible to integrate into your busy schedule.
Although 35 minutes does not sound like a lot, completing this program will give you an accumulation of training that will propel your body into a higher baseline level of fitness.
In addition, this program will get you into the habit of making time to train, and learn how to do it in a smart, efficient manner.
3) The Program Accommodates Your Busy Schedule
- Don’t have a predictable workout schedule? No problem. The template accounts for this.
- Are you having a good day, and can lift more than what is prescribed? The template has got you covered.
- Are you having a bad day and can’t lift what is expected of you? The template accounts for this too.
No more guessing what you have to do.
No more rigid cookie-cutter programs.
No more spending countless hours at the gym.
This Program Combines The Best Parts of All The Training Programs I Have Tried and Tested Over The Last 15+ Years
What’s more, we had to develop these strategies during our OBGYN residency training, while working 80+ hours a week.
As you could imagine, our busy schedule forced us to learn the most time-efficient ways to exercise and improve our health.
If you’re like us, you can’t afford to spend 60+ minutes in the gym.
But the industry leads you to believe that you need to go ‘all-out’ or spend 2 hours a day at the gym to be fit and healthy.
This couldn’t be further from the truth.
You can build muscle, get stronger, and improve your health in as little as 30 minutes a day.
Despite Working A 80 Hours/Week, We Have Created A Simple Workout Program That Builds Lean Muscle and Functional Strength Efficiently
And The Results Speak For Themselves
By training just 30 minutes a day, I was able to increase my deadlift to 2x my bodyweight and squat 1.5x my bodyweight for multiple reps, pain-free.
And here is Brittany’s progress at the same time.
Here she is squatting 1.5x her bodyweight for several repetitions, and making incredible progress on her chin-up strength. Prior to this new style of training, her best squat was 1x her bodyweight, and she could only do 1 chin-up.
This is not to brag, but to show you what’s possible when you know how to implement an effective training system.
Because Here Is The Secret…
80% of Muscle & Strength Gains Are Obtained From 20% of The Exercises You Do
Believe it or not, once you know how to work out properly, you can begin to see results in as little as 90 days using short but effective workouts.
Contrary to popular belief, building muscle and gaining strength for long-term health is simple.
You just have to make sure that you are avoiding these three mistakes.
Mistake #1: Your Workout Is Too Long
I always thought that more was better.
Thankfully, that is not the case. There is only so much “more” you will ever be able to do.
What you need to do is spend less time in the gym.
But in order for that to work, you need a plan. I.e., a plan that makes your workout as efficient as possible.
Solution #1: Create A Workout That Only Takes 30 Min A Day Max

Mistake #2: You Do Too Many Exercises
Let’s face it.
Gyms and infomercials lead you to believe that you have to train every single muscle group every day with dozens of exercises.
I used to try and fit eight different exercises into my routine because I wanted quicker progress.
But at the end of the day, I WAS JUST WASTING MY TIME.
Solution #2: You Only Need To Do 6 Exercises
Here’s a secret.
There are only a handful of exercises you need to do to build muscle and gain strength.
They also happen to be the six things that the human body is designed to do:
In other words, you can stop wasting time on fluff exercises.
Focus on the exercises that are going to give you the biggest return on your investment.

Mistake #3: You Train Too Hard & Lose Motivation
Have you ever missed a workout session or two because you feel beat up?
Then you lose motivation to continue because of those missed sessions?
Everyone has.
Solution #3: Consistency Trumps Intensity – Always
The most important thing in fitness is to create a routine that is easy for you to stick to. A routine that is simple, easy to follow, and not overwhelming.
When you make your workouts as easy to follow as possible, you are more likely to remain consistent. And the more you do it, the more likely it will become a habit.
If you have a stupidly easy training template that is flexible, you do not need to worry about missed sessions or relying on motivation.
In Fitness, Something Is Always Better Than Nothing.
One Year From Now – This Could Be You…
Imagine what it would feel like if you could wake up every morning and feel youthful and full of energy.
You look in the mirror and you see more lean muscle and it makes you feel confident and amazing.
Your friends all tell you how great you look, how would that feel?
And even better, you have the strength and fitness of someone 20 years younger than you.
What would you do to make this future a reality?

We Are Drs. Alex & Brittany Robles
We are OBGYN physicians, NASM-certified personal trainers, and parents to a lovely little boy.
We work 60-80 hours a week as physicians and spend our limited free time learning everything we can about health, fitness, and longevity.
Our health and fitness advice has been featured on MyFitness Pal, Livestrong, Healthline, The Healthy, The Active Times, Aaptiv, Weight Watchers, and many more.
As we have gotten older, our focus has shifted from lifting extremely heavy weights and dealing with injuries to learning the best ways to keep our bodies young and healthy.
As you could imagine, our busy schedule forced us to learn the most time-efficient ways to exercise and improve our health.
And now, we are more fit, strong, and healthy than we were before becoming physicians!
Here Are All The Benefits The WCT Strength Program Provides
- It eliminates fluff exercises- you won’t find exercises that have no impact on functional strength or overall health in the Program. That way you don’t waste your efforts on exercises that provide mediocre results.
- Minimizes time commitment- we understand that you have a busy life, so we designed the Program to be as time efficient as possible without sacrificing results.
- Is easy to follow – The workout is laid out for you with step-by-step instructions on how to follow the plan.
- Eliminates guesswork – We provide you with a list of the best exercises to improve your strength and longevity, how to modify them if you have prior injuries, how many sets and reps to do, and when to increase weight.
- Is sustainable – the workouts are short, effective, and progress gradually so you don’t get overwhelmed.
- Improves functionality – the exercises are designed to make everyday activities easier and keep you mobile. Getting strong in these movement patterns may also help prevent injuries.
- Incorporates the latest research on exercise physiology, healthspan, and longevity.
- Is built for healthspan- this is not a “get shredded” or “bulk up” program. We focus on building lean muscle, improving functional strength, and optimizing for health.
- Is suitable for all levels – whether you’re a beginner or seasoned exerciser, the Program can be scaled to meet your needs.
Here’s What Others Have Said About The WCT Strength Program

What’s Included in The WCT Strength Program?
As soon as you checkout, you will be given immediate access to the member’s area, where you can log in to access the workout.

In the member’s area, you will find the workout, explanations, and video tutorials of all the exercises.
Log in from your desktop, laptop, or phone!

When you log in to the member’s area, you will get instant access to download the strength program spreadsheet.
The spreadsheet allows you to keep track of your progress easily to help you stay motivated and consistent.
You work at your own pace and with these helpful sheets, you never lose sight of where you are and what direction your workouts should go!
In the WCT Strength Program, you’ll learn
- What exercises to do, so that you stop wasting time on exercises that won’t give you a big return on your investment
- How many sets you should do per exercise so that you do enough volume to build muscle and gain strength
- How many reps you should do per set so that you don’t make the mistake of doing too many or too few repetitions which could be a waste of time
- How long to rest in between sets, so that you don’t wind up spending more time at the gym than you need to
- How to progressively overload each exercise, so that you can stop wasting time figuring out what you need to do next as you get stronger
Everything is laid out for you!

We teach you the most important cues to follow to ensure that you do each movement correctly.
That way, you can feel confident that you’re doing each move correctly.
We also show you acceptable substitutions if you cannot do a particular exercise.
Today You Can Join The WCT
Strength Program For A One-Time Payment of $97!
And There Are bonuses…
When you purchase today, you get instant access to all of the bonuses as well…

You can’t make it to the gym or you don’t have a lot of equipment?
This 8-week template is great for getting a full body workout in less than 30 minutes a day using just dumbbells!

Do you have very little experience with weights?
This 8-week template is great for beginners/novices who are new to lifting and needing to learn how to do the six key functional movement patterns again.
But you don’t have to be a beginner to benefit from this template – anyone can use this quick and simple program to start building lean muscle.

In this section, you will learn the basic principles of eating for muscle growth, strength gain, and fat loss.
Just like the rest of this program, all of the fluff is eliminated.
This guide goes over the key points you need to know about nutrition and how to maximize them.
Specifically, you’ll learn:
- The 3 biggest things you need to focus on to build muscle and gain strength
- When to focus on calories and when not to focus on calories
- The ideal number of times you should eat per day to ensure you are getting adequate nutrients
- The best sources of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you should be consuming
- How to measure portion sizes easily so that you always know how much to eat
- The most common nutrient deficiencies you should be focusing on
And more.
BONUS #4: THE WCT’s Micronutrient Checklist ($19 Value)

Never become deficient in any vitamin or mineral again.
This is a simple list of the healthiest foods you should eat on a daily basis broken down by nutrient.
You’ll also learn which nutrients you should probably supplement.

Do you have aches and pains from prior injuries?
This guide goes over simple ways to modify the foundational exercises based depending on your limitations.
We also provide longevity strength standards. These are fitness goals that focus on maintaining muscle mass and strength as we age.
You should strive to achieve/maintain these 10 things to help ensure that you stay fit and strong well into your later years.
In this private accountability group, you will be able to ask us (and other members) any questions you may have about the program, exercise, fitness, and whatever else you might want to know.
You can always tap into the community to help you with accountability.
Also, you can get personal feedback from us on your specific workout program and even post videos for us to analyze your form.
**You never get direct access to the creators of the program in other groups!**

So Here’s Everything You Get When You Join The WCT Strength Program
- The 15-Week WCT Strength Program ($197 Value)
- Plug and Play Spreadsheets To Track Your Workouts ($47 Value)
- Exercise Tutorials On How To Do Each Exercise Safely ($47 Value)
- Substitutions For Each of the Major Exercises In The Program
- The Dumbbell Only Workout Template ($29 Value)
- The Level 1 Beginner Workout Template ($29 Value)
- The WCT Nutrition Basics FAQs ($47 Value)
- The WCT Micronutrient Checklist ($19 Value)
- The WCT Injury Guide Substitutions ($29 Value)
- The 10 WCT Longevity Strength Standards ($29 Value)
- Access To Private Facebook Community To Ask Us Questions ($47/Month Value)
- Lifetime Updates ($97 Value)
Total Value = $1,134
Yours Today:

Don’t Delay Any Further…
A year from now, you will be one year older.
Did you know that at the age of 30 we start to experience sarcopenia, which is the loss of muscle mass with age?
Sarcopenia results in a decrease in strength, energy, and mobility.
Over time, this loss of muscle mass can make everyday activities like carrying groceries or getting out of bed increasingly difficult.
It’s time to do something about it.

- What would it feel like if you woke up every morning and see the lean and functional body you have built over the past year? From investing just 30 minutes per day following the WCT Strength Program.
- To be full of energy, vitality, and pride!
- Imagine the confidence you will have to be able to keep up with someone 20 years younger than you. To be able to stay active and play with your grandchildren.
- How would it feel to be a role model to your close friends and family?
- You deserve to enjoy a long, healthy, and fit life!

I’m not asking you to decide yes or no today…I’m asking you to make a fully informed decision.
The only way you can make a fully informed decision is on the inside, not the outside. So enroll in the program and see if it is valuable to you.
Then, if it is, that’s when you decide to keep it. If it’s not for you, no hard feelings.
If within 30 days you aren’t happy, then we are not happy. For any reason whatsoever, if you want your money back, you will get it back. No questions asked!
The best case scenario is you start achieving your fitness goals and become the strongest version of yourself over the next year.
In the worst-case scenario, you get four weeks of free training. Both options are risk-free.
But, the only thing guaranteed not to help you is walking out of here today.”
What do you have to lose?
It’s Time To Take Your Fitness To A Whole New Level

Got A Question? No Problem. Here Are Your Answers:
Is The WCT Strength Program Right For Me?
- Are you a busy professional who wants to start a comprehensive exercise program, but do not have much time to spend at the gym? Then The WCT Strength Program is PERFECT for you.
- Do you want to go back to the basics and develop a strong foundation for strength and muscle development? Then The WCT Strength Program is PERFECT for you.
- Are you interested in maintaining a healthy body so that you can age gracefully? Then The WCT Strength Program is PERFECT for you.
Who Is This Program Not For?
The WCT Strength Program won’t work for you if:
- You cannot commit 30 minutes a day, 2-4x a week to work out, then this program is not for you.
- You do not have access to any gym equipment.
If none of these describe you, then you stand to benefit from this incredibly simple, yet powerful training template!
How Long Do I Have Access To The Program
A one-time payment gets you LIFETIME ACCESS.
I’m A College/Medical Student. Will This Work For Me?
Yes! You do not have time to waste.
That’s why this program can be done in just 30 minutes a day. You will focus on what matters most, and eliminate the fluff.
I’m In My 50 – 60’S. Will This Work For Me?
Absolutely! You will benefit the most from The WCT Strength Program!
This program will teach you what you need to do to maintain lean muscle, build strength, and minimize the effects of sarcopenia.
I have even had people in their 70’s do this program.
Just listen to your body and pay close attention to any pre-existing injuries you may have. Ask us in the Facebook group for advice on how to modify your workouts if need be.
Do I Need To Buy Shakes, Or Any Other Hidden Supplements?
You do not need to buy anything else. There are no special supplements or protein powders that you will need.
But you will need access to basic gym equipment such as a barbell, weight plates, dumbbells, a squat rack, and a bench. If you don’t have all of these that is okay – we provide various substitutions you could do.
Can I Do This Workout At Home?
This program is ideal for the gym. With that said, if you have access to a barbell, a squat rack, and weights, then yes, it can definitely be done at home.
Can I Access This On My Phone Or Tablet?
Yes – you just need to login to the mobile Teachable platform to access the course and all of the materials.
Is There A Refund Or Guarantee?
Yes. If you are unhappy with the program for any reason, you can email us within the first 30 days for a full refund, no questions asked!
Is My Credit Card Secure?
Yes – you just need to login to the mobile Teachable platform to access the course and all of the materials.
Can I Access This On My Phone Or Tablet?
Definitely. Our payment processors go through Stripe and/or Paypal, both of which offer a secure socket layer, 128-bit encryption. So yes, your card is secure.

Now It’s Time To Decide
I know you may think that you can figure out how to exercise and improve your fitness on your own.
The problem is: It takes a long time to sort through who is credible and who isn’t and many workout programs online aren’t designed with time efficiency in mind.
Those are hours that you could spend working out and improving your fitness by following a proven step-by-step template.
So if you are tired of not taking action, and you are ready to invest in yourself, don’t wait. It’s time to make the investment.
A year from now, you will be one year older. Will you be living the life you want?
Let This Be The Year Where You Reclaim Your Strength, Health, and Vitality!

Join The WCT
Strength Program Now!
- 15 Weeks of Short Workouts Designed to Build Muscle, Gain & Strength, and Improve Health
- Created by Two Doctors & Personal Trainers To Maximize Sustainability & Longevity
- A Scalable Progression System To Prevent Overwhelm and Maximize Consistency
- Video Tutorials Of Each Exercise To Maximize Injury Prevention
- Recommendations On How To Modify/Adapt The Workout To Accommodate Your Busy Schedule
- An Easy To Use Spreadsheet To Track Progress and Maintain Motivation
- The WCT Nutrition Basics FAQs – How To Eat For Muscle Growth & Strength Gain
- The Dumbbell Only Workout Template
- The Level 1 Beginner’s Workout Template
- The WCT’s Micronutrient Checklist
- The WCT’s Injury Guide Substitutions
- The WCT’s Longevity Strength Standards
- Access to the WCT Private Facebook Community for Accountability
- 30-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee
- Total Value $1,134
One-Time Payment