Get Strong, Improve Your Health, & Maximize Longevity (No Gym Required)

Transform Your Body and Boost Your Confidence with Our At-Home Bodyweight Strength Program

Backed by The WCT 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

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Do Any Of These Resonate With You?

  • You want to start exercising, but you have no motivation to go to the gym?
  • Are you tired of long, time-consuming workouts that take away from your already packed schedule?
  • You don’t know how to get started, and you lack the equipment to work out at home?

If so, you’re in the right place.

Sometimes, Going To A Gym Just Isn’t Feasible!

Neither is maintaining a 1.5-2 hour workout.

The problem is, so many workout programs online aren’t designed for busy people like you and me.

They are too long, too complicated, or require too much equipment.

The good news is:

You don’t need a fancy workout program with dozens of exercises and complicated routines.

In fact, there’s only one thing you need to do to start building muscle and getting in great shape despite your busy life.

What you need is a step-by-step blueprint that focuses ONLY on the things that matter most.

You Don’t Need A Lot Of Equipment To Get Strong And Build Muscle

Let’s face it.

Gyms like to show off all of their bells and whistles to convince you to join.

This is to take your eye off the ball and distract you from what really matters. You can get just as good, if not better, results staying home and following a comprehensive home workout program.

All you need is a little bit of space, a dedicated plan, and a desire to improve your body composition!

If you don’t like going to the gym, you don’t have to. You have full access, 24/7/365, to your gym and to your weights.

Now you can finally cancel that unused gym membership you have been holding on to for years!

Introducing The WCT Home Workout Program

A Sustainable Full-Body Workout To Build Muscle & Gain Strength Without Leaving Your Home!

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The WCT Home Workout Program is a 24-week exercise program that will help you build muscle and gain functional strength without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

You’ll learn the exact strategies that you can use to build muscle, keep your body strong, and achieve better health, even if you have limited free time.

Plus, each workout is designed to last just 20-30 minutes!

Because here is the truth…

80% Of Your Results Are Obtained From 20% Of The Exercises You Do

Fitness isn’t as complicated as you might think.

You don’t need a lot of time…

You don’t need a lot of equipment…

All you need are the right exercises along with a high-yield training program that eliminates the fluff and focuses on the things that matter most.

Functional Calisthenics Is The Answer

With calisthenics, you learn how to move your body and use it to its fullest potential.

Plus, you can get an efficient total body workout wherever you are, with little to no equipment.

You already have (just about) everything you need to develop a comprehensive exercise program.

Your own body.

Your Body Is Your Weight

You just have to learn how to leverage your body to properly challenge yourself at your fitness level.

Brittany and I have been using bodyweight exercises (along with gym workouts) to develop strong physiques that we maintain all year round.

(Not just for the summer or the beach).

Whenever the gym is closed, or we are on vacation, we know that we can still get a complete workout in.

Your Home Is Your Gym

You see, the beauty of calisthenics is that it can be done anytime, anywhere, including your own home.

And We Have Fun At The Same Time

Fitness doesn’t always have to be serious business.

By improving your bodyweight strength, you can also do fun things like this

This Is Not To Show Off…

This is only to show you what’s possible when you know how to implement an effective bodyweight training system at home.

Because the truth is this:

Calisthenics workouts at home can be just as effective as gym workouts for building muscle, burning fat, and improving your fitness.

Plus, you don’t have to spend time commuting to and from the gym, waiting for equipment, signing in, and putting your stuff away in lockers.

Any busy person knows that every minute of free time is precious.

What Makes This Program Different Than Others? 

1) It Eliminates The Fluff

There is a lot of fluff on the internet.

I have combed through several home exercise programs and see that many of them require super long-time commitments (we’re talking 90-minute workouts).

A lot of this is fluff, low-yield, and a waste of time.

The WCT Home Workout Program is a result of the compilation of exercise and training routines that I have tried and tested over the last 10+ years of my life – only with bodyweight exercises.

2) It Breaks Down Every Exercise Into Easy-To-Follow Progression

Some exercises might be way too hard for you.

Alternatively, some may be too easy.

The WCT Home Workout Program lays out how to leverage each of the major movement patterns to either progress or regress all of the exercises to fit your skill level.

four different push-up-progressions- wall pushup-incline pushup, kneeling pushup, standard pushup

In doing so, you will also learn how to master the technique of every exercise.

3) It Focuses On Minimizing The Time Spent Working Out While Maximizing Results

The goal of The WCT Home Workout Program is to maximize your workout and minimize time wasted.

That is why it uses only the highest-yield exercises in a way that will get you the most efficient results possible.  

Very few programs focus on the stuff that really works while trying to minimize the time spent working out. 

This program provides exercise recommendations for each of the 10 Key Functional movement patterns and teaches you how to progress with them as you get stronger.

The goal is to finish each training session in 30 minutes daily, making it easy and feasible to integrate into your busy schedule.

alex and brittany doing a handstand

One Year From Now- This Could Be You

Imagine what it would feel like if you could wake up every morning and feel youthful and full of energy. 

You look in the mirror, and you see more lean muscle, and it makes you feel confident and amazing. 

Your friends all tell you how great you look; how would that feel?

And even better, you have the strength and fitness of someone 20 years younger than you.

What would you do to make this future a reality?


We Are Drs. Alex & Brittany Robles

We are full-time physicians, NASM-certified personal trainers, and parents to a lovely little boy.

We work 60-80 hours a week as physicians and spend our limited free time learning everything we can about health, fitness, and longevity.

Our health and fitness advice has been featured on MyFitness Pal, Livestrong, Healthline, The Healthy, The Active Times, Aaptiv, Weight Watchers, and many more.

We are both extremely passionate about fitness and spend a great deal of time learning and implementing many different workout strategies to determine what works and what doesn’t.

The thing is, as physicians, we had to find routines that were effective and efficient!

The pandemic also forced us to get good at working out at home!

Thankfully, we learned how to maximize our time and create total-body workouts at home.

And we want to share it with you!

Here Are All The Benefits The Home Workout Program Provides

  • Improves functionality – the exercises are designed to make everyday activities easier and keep you mobile. Getting strong in these movement patterns may also help prevent injuries.
  • Minimizes time commitment- we understand that you have a busy life, so we designed the Program to be as time efficient as possible without sacrificing results.
  • Is easy to follow – The workout is laid out for you with step-by-step instructions on how to follow the plan.
  • Eliminates guesswork – We provide you with a list of the best exercises to improve your strength and longevity, how to modify them to your skill level, how many sets and reps to do, and when to progress to a more challenging variation
  • Is sustainable – the workouts are short, effective, and progress gradually so you don’t get overwhelmed.
  • Is built for healthspan- this is not a “get shredded” or “bulk up” program. We focus on building lean muscle, improving functional strength, and optimizing for health.
  • Is suitable for all levels – whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned exerciser, the Program can be scaled to meet your needs.

Here’s What Others Have Said About The WCT Home Workout Program

The information and material on calisthenics is hands-down the best overview of bodyweight exercise I have seen in three years of my own fitness journey and efforts to move from obesity to health. I did a disaster deployment to eastern Europe for two months and failed my gym routine immediately because I didn't have a gym! In need of a workout process that I could engage with while traveling I found the white coat trainer website, which covers pretty much everything you need to adopt a simple but comprehensive workout that can be scaled all the way up to an advanced progressive system for lifelong health. Returning home I enjoyed the gym again until I injured my back lifting too much weight, and am now using the suggestions from this website in my living room. Tons of free content, maybe too much, they probably aren't making enough money off their effort! Highly recommend this to you.

So you have three options:

Option#1: You Can Create A Home Workout Program On Your Own

This is the strategy that most people take, and it is time-consuming.

You can try to put the pieces together from various different magazines, videos, and online articles. But this could take weeks of trial and error.

You will have to figure out which are the best exercises for each body part, and how to scale them up or down to your fitness level.

As I’m sure you’ve seen, fitness information you come across online is often conflicting, misleading, (and quite often) not designed with efficiency in mind.

The good news is

I already did all of the hard work for you.

Option#2: You Can Go To Your Gym (If It’s Even Open)

Most people will just buy and hold on to a gym membership so that they don’t feel guilty.

It’s one thing if you go consistently and follow a dedicated program, but 67% of gym memberships go unused.

That $50-150 a month will just continue to seep out of your bank account and do absolutely nothing for your fitness.

Why spend this money if you can just stay home and get 10x the results you would get if you followed a step-by-step program consistently?

Option#3: Follow A Step-By-Step BluePrint

You came to this page because you’re serious about your fitness.

That is why I’m going to show you how to take the advice you learned today, and turn it into a step-by-step blueprint for building muscle, increasing your strength, and improving your fitness with just your body weight.

I’ve developed a calisthenics training program for busy individuals that cuts out the noise, fluff, and conflicting advice and shows you how to start exercising in 30 minutes a day with very little equipment.

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What’s Included In The WCT Home Workout Program? 

Immediate Access To The Member’s Area To Access The Workout

When you purchase this program, you will get instant access to 12+ weeks of efficiently programmed calisthenics workouts that tell you exactly what exercises to do and how to do them.

The Program is composed of 4 Levels, which will take you all the way from a complete beginner/novice to a balanced and well-rounded stronger version of yourself. 

  • Level 1 & Level 2: Perfect for Beginners with little to no experience in calisthenics
  • Level 3 and Level 4: Perfect for intermediate trainees who can do
    • 10+ push-ups,
    • 6+ pull-ups,
    • 8+ dips,
    • Hold a 30 second plank with perfect form
    • Hang from a bar for 30 seconds
picture of the course lesson of the warm up

Downloadable Step-By-Step Workout Templates

image of the program being accessed on an ipad

Each level comes with a step-by-step template demonstrating

  • What exercises to do, so that you stop wasting time on exercises that won’t give you a big return on your investment.
  • Several exercise modifications and variations so that you can challenge yourself wherever you may be
  • How many sets you should do per exercise so that you do enough volume to build muscle and gain strength
  • How many reps you should do per set so that you don’t make the mistake of doing too many or too few repetitions which could be a waste of time
  • How long to rest in between sets, so that you don’t wind up spending more time exercising then you need to
  • A repetition standard that you must accomplish before moving on to the next progression so that you don’t need to worry about what you need to do next as you get stronger

Full Exercise Descriptions With HD Videos + Modifications, Variations & Progressions

image of HD videos that come with the program
  • The 10 Exercise Categories you need to do to target every major muscle group in your body.
  • This includes exercises to develop your arms, shoulders, your chest, your back, your glutes, your quadriceps, your hamstrings, and your core!

In addition, the program teaches you how to scale the exercises to make them easier or more challenging.

  • All the exercise variations and modifications range from easiest to hardest. That way, you can challenge yourself regardless of your skill level.
  • An HD video demonstrating the proper technique so that you can do them as safely as possible
  • A regression and progression for each exercise so that you can continue to fine-tune your strength and coordination.
  • 3 Technical Cues for each exercise to ensure you are doing them correctly and maximizing the benefits each movement has to offer.

You’ll also receive these Bonuses!


cover of the nutrition guide bonus

In this section, you will learn the basic principles of eating for muscle growth, strength gain, and fat loss.

Just like the rest of this program, all of the fluff is eliminated.

This guide goes over the key points you need to know about nutrition and how to maximize them.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • The 3 biggest things you need to focus on to build muscle and gain strength
  • When to focus on calories and when not to focus on calories
  • The ideal number of times you should eat per day to ensure you are getting adequate nutrients
  • The best sources of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you should be consuming 
  • How to measure portion sizes easily so that you always know how much to eat
  • The most common nutrient deficiencies you should be focusing on

And more.

BONUS #2: THE WCT’s Micronutreient Checklist ($19 Value)

cover image of healthy foods with the words micronutrient checklist

Never become deficient in any vitamin or mineral again.

This is a simple list of the healthiest foods you should eat on a daily basis broken down by nutrient.

You’ll also learn which nutrients you should probably supplement.


In this private accountability group, you will be able to ask us (and other members) any questions you may have about the program, exercise, fitness, and whatever else you might want to know.

You can always tap into the community to help you with accountability.

Also, you can get personal feedback from us on your specific workout program and even post videos for us to analyze your form.

**You never get direct access to the creators of the program in other groups!**

image of the facebook group that comes with the program

So Here’s Everything You Get When You Join The WCT Home Workout Program

  • Levels 1-2 of The WCT Strength Program ($149 Value)
  • Levels 3-4 of The WCT Strength Program ($149 Value)
  • Plug and Play Spreadsheets To Track Your Workouts ($47 Value)
  • Exercise Tutorials On How To Do Each Exercise Safely ($47 Value)
  • Numerous Progressions and Regressions For Each Functional Movement ($27 Value)
  • The WCT Nutrition Basics FAQs ($47 Value)
  • The WCT Micronutrient Checklist ($19 Value)
  • Access To Private Facebook Community To Ask Us Questions ($47/Month Value)
  • Lifetime Updates ($97 Value)

Total Value = $1,146

Yours Today:


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Don’t Delay Any Further…

A year from now, you will be one year older.

Did you know that at the age of 30 we start to experience sarcopenia, which is the loss of muscle mass with age?

Sarcopenia results in a decrease in strength, energy, and mobility.

Over time, this loss of muscle mass can make everyday activities like carrying groceries or getting out of bed increasingly difficult.

It’s time to do something about it.

picture showing loss of muscle mass from age 30 to 50 to 80


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I’m not asking you to decide yes or no today…I’m asking you to make a fully informed decision.

The only way you can make a fully informed decision is on the inside, not the outside. So enroll in the program and see if it is valuable to you.

Then, if it is, that’s when you decide to keep it. If it’s not for you, no hard feelings.

If within 30 days you aren’t happy, then we are not happy. For any reason whatsoever, if you want your money back, you will get it back. No questions asked!

The best case scenario is you start achieving your fitness goals and become the strongest version of yourself over the next year.

In the worst-case scenario, you get four weeks of free training. Both options are risk-free.

But, the only thing guaranteed not to help you is walking out of here today.”

What do you have to lose? 

Got A Question? No Problem. Here Are Your Answers: 

Is The WCT Home Workout Program Right For Me? 

Let me break it down for you:

  • Do you struggle to find time to work out?
  • Do you lack the motivation to exercise because your workouts are long, and unsustainable, and you have nagging injuries?
  • Do you want to start exercise programs but struggle to keep up with them, and you don’t work out on a consistent basis?
  • Do you want to build well-rounded total body strength, but you don’t know if you’re focusing on the right exercises? (or doing them properly?)
  • Do you want to work out at home but lack equipment?
  • Do you want to build muscle but don’t know how to change your workout or modify/ progress your exercises?

If you said yes to any of these questions, Then The WCT Home Workout Program is PERFECT for you.

Who Is This Program Not For?

There are a lot of different fitness frenzies vying for your attention. The WCT Home Workout Program won’t work for you if you are :

  • An elite, advanced-level athlete who has mastered calisthenics exercises and/or
  • a complainer who states that they don’t have time for fitness, but have time to watch The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and The Bachelor.

If none of these describe you, then you stand to benefit from this incredibly simple, yet powerful training template!

Which Levels Should I Get?

  • Level 1 & Level 2: Is perfect for beginners with little to no experience in calisthenics
  • Level 3 and Level 4: Is perfect for intermediate trainees who can do
    • 10+ push-ups,
    • 6+ pull-ups,
    • 8+ dips,
    • Hold a 30 second plank with perfect form
    • Hang from a bar for 30 seconds
  • Level 1-4 Bundle: Perfect for anyone looking for a long term workout plan to take them from beginner to an intermediate

How Long Does The Program Last?

Each Level (1-4) is designed to last at least six weeks. However, you will work at your own pace. Some of the exercise progressions will take you longer to accomplish. That’s okay.

The goal is to keep getting better in as many exercises as possible.

What Do I Get Again?

  • Immediate login details to access your workout.
  • 24+ weeks of efficiently programmed at-home workouts with minimal equipment
  • HD Videos of each exercise and a detailed description of them so that you can learn the most efficient way to achieve total body fitness (while doing it safely).
  • The WCT Nutrition Basics PDF – so that you can learn how to eat and what to eat for maximum health.
  • The Private Facebook community to get all your questions answered!
alex and brittany doing a pull-up

I’m A College/Medical Student. Will This Work For Me?

Absolutely. You’re one of the main groups of people for who this program would work the best. I know that you don’t have a lot of time to waste.

That’s why this program can be done in just 30 minutes a day. You will focus on what matters most, and eliminate the stuff that doesn’t.

I’m In My 60’s. Will This Work For Me?

Yes, the program can work for you too. All of the principles of building muscle and gaining strength are the same whether you are 20 or 60.

Just listen to your body and pay close attention to any pre-existing injuries you may have. Ask us in the Facebook group for advice on how to modify your workouts if need be.

Do I Need To Buy Anything?

There are two things you will definitely need to get started.

A pull-up bar and a pair of rings.

A pull-up bar is a very small, one-time investment that can pay huge dividends moving forward.

It is a tiny commitment compared to the money you may be wasting on a gym membership that goes unused.

Rings are also a great versatile piece of equipment that will allow you to do a ton of exercises!

Do I Need To Buy Shakes, Or Any Other Hidden Supplements?

Absolutely not.

Can I Access This On My Phone Or Tablet?

Yes. Once you make the payment, you will receive login details to access the course. 

You can see the video tutorials on your phone and download the workout spreadsheets on your device. 

Do I Get Anything In The Mail?


What If I’m New To Exercising/ Don’t Know How To Exercise?

This program is perfect for you.

All exercises begin at Level 1, which is the most basic variation of all of the movements. That way, you start at a difficulty level that is appropriate for you.

In addition, every exercise has repetition goals that are provided to ensure that you progress at an appropriate rate.

Lastly, you will see HD videos of each exercise and we will boil down the 3 most important technical cues you must follow to boost the benefits you will receive from each exercise.

Is There A Refund Or Guarantee?

Yes. If you go through the program and you aren’t happy with your results after 30 days, you can email us for a refund.

Is My Credit Card Secure?

Definitely. Our payment processors go through Stripe and/or Paypal, both of which offer a secure socket layer, 128 bit encryption. So yes, your card is secure.

Now It’s Time To Decide

You came to this page because you are serious about your fitness, and you might be unhappy with your current progress.

Why continue wasting your precious free time trying to figure out how to create an effective but efficient routine?

Those are hours that you could spend actually working out and improving your fitness by following a step-by-step template.

So if you are tired of not taking action and you are ready to invest in yourself, don’t wait. It’s time to make the investment.

A Year From Now, You Will Be One Year Older. Will You Be Living The Life You Want?

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