No Time To Exercise Because You Work Too Much?
Do you struggle to make time for the gym?
I don’t blame you.
It is extremely difficult to make time for exercise when you work full-time.
In this post, you’ll learn 5 strategies I use to make time for exercise, even with an 80-hour workweek.
Keep reading…
How Do You Workout When You Have No Time?
The key to exercising on a regular basis is to make exercise a part of your daily routine.
In other words, it should feel weird if you don’t exercise.
So how do you get started?
The first thing you need to do is establish a post-work routine that is conducive to fitness.
Every single day or shift at work has the potential to be drastically different from the one before it.
As a result, your mood, energy level, and time in which you finish your obligations vary on a day-to-day basis.
Despite all of this, you still follow a routine.
No matter what kind of day you had at work or at home, I would bet that you probably
- still have dinner,
- take a shower,
- make a phone call,
- chat with family or friends,
- wind down with a TV show,
- or surf the web.
The point is, you create a routine that (for the most part) pretty much stays the same regardless of the kind of day you had.
The key is to take a small portion of this routine and replace it with a quick training session that you could easily integrate into your life.
Sound impossible?
Here are the 5 things that you need to do to integrate exercise into your post-workout routine.
How To Make Time For Exercise With A Full-Time Job [5 Keys To Success]
When we started our medical residencies, we knew that we had to make changes to the way we exercised.
Our hectic schedule forced us to find ways to get to and from the gym efficiently and maximize our exercise routine efficiency.
This is how we do it.
1) Eliminate Your Commute as Much as Possible
One of the biggest hassles about exercise is the commute to and from the gym. When you work 80 hours a week, there is very little time to be wasted.
You must find a gym that is very close to where you live or work.
Wasting time on a commute to the gym is the precious time that you could be using to train, and precious time that you could be using for the remainder of your post-work routine.
A home gym is even better. If you have the space and budget to do so, a home gym could be a great investment.
Check out our top recommendations for at-home gym equipment here.
Key Takeaway
Don’t waste 30 minutes commuting to and from a gym. Either find a gym nearby or get some equipment at home
Key Takeawa
2) Bring What You Need To Avoid Going Back & Forth
Now that you have saved some precious time by finding a gym that isn’t out of the way, let’s move on to step #2.
You must bring your workout clothes and equipment with you to work. This is a great way to create efficiency and to help set your mindset!
Get yourself a nice compact gym bag like the one we have.
Pack it with what you need the night before and you are good to go.
Once your shift is over, change into your gym clothes before leaving work and go.
Having your gym equipment with you serves as a constant reminder that you made a promise to yourself.
It also helps to hold you accountable. When co-workers see you leaving the workplace with your gym clothes on, they know that you are headed to exercise.
Perhaps, you could also motivate someone else to do the same and join you as a workout buddy!
If you have to go back home to get changed, this will then create a new challenge. You will have to fight the inertia of actually get dressed and go back out, rather than just laying out on your couch.
Plus, this is extra time that is wasted for no reason.
This small change made the biggest difference for me!
You need to set yourself up for success, and it starts by packing your bag every night, and getting ready to go!
Key Takeaway
Change into your gym clothes before leaving work and head straight to your workout.
3) Schedule Your Workout: Make it to Your Exercise Sessions No Matter What
Most people find every excuse not to go to the gym. As a student or physician, the excuses are abundant.
The only way to make training a part of your daily routine is by forcing yourself to go, no matter what.
Just like flossing, you have to create the habit of flossing daily, otherwise, you will never do it on a consistent basis.
With that said, I understand that there will certainly be busy days where it cannot happen.
There have been many times where I left the hospital after 10 pm and I had to be in again the next day at 5-6 am.
On these long days, it is much better to just get home and sleep.
Barring extreme situations such as these, it is absolutely feasible to fit a training session on a routine day.
In addition, most people work 5-6 days a week. You have ample opportunities on your rest days to make up any missed training sessions from the week.
When it comes to fitness, something is ALWAYS better than nothing.
Key Takeaway
Find a time of the day where you can reasonably squeeze a workout in, and do your best to not miss any sessions.
4) Master The Efficient Workout
The next thing you need to do is to learn how to create a short workout that maximizes your time at the gym. You do this by designing a workout plan that can be done in 30 minutes a day.
Yes, 30 minutes.
The good news is: you do not have to spend countless hours in the gym.
I only do short workouts of 30 minutes max.
The key is to design training programs that utilize ONLY the highest yield exercises to minimize the time needed to spend at the gym.
You have to treat exercise like an investment. Why would you waste your time investing money into a venture that will only return 1%?
You are much better at allocating your resources almost exclusively to the high yield stuff.
So what are the highest yield exercises?
The highest yield exercises are big, compound exercises with a large range of motion. The ones that exercise multiple muscle groups at once.
The deadlift is a perfect example.
Don’t waste your time majoring in the minors doing tricep pushdowns, dumbbell lateral raises, and cable bicep curls.
These exercises are just supplemental movements at best.
So which exercises should you use?
Check out The Best Workout Template for Busy Professionals to learn how to design a training plan that utilizes only the stuff you need, and none of what you don’t need.
These programs are designed to be done in just 35 minutes a day. Everyone can carve out 30-35 minutes out of their day to exercise.
PS: Knowing that your workout will only last ~35 minutes makes the anticipation of training more palatable and self-motivating.
Key Takeaway
All you need is 30 minutes to get a great workout. Focus on the highest yield exercises to see great results.
5) Make It Fun
Another way to help fit exercise into your busy schedule is to make your training fun, something that you will look forward to.
I know what you’re thinking. How could exercise possibly be fun?
The best way to do this is to turn your exercise routine into small challenges that you must accomplish.
If your goal is to just run on the treadmill for 30 minutes or to simply train your biceps, then you will get nowhere fast. This stuff is unbelievably boring.
Vague training plans such as these will not motivate you to exercise. By making your training fun, you are more likely to keep at it and find/make the time to do it.
Here are some quick strategies to make your training more enticing:
- Keep a Journal: Keep track of your progress. Document all of the exercises you perform, along with the weight, the sets and the reps you do. Nothing is more fun then progress.
- Aim for a Small Win Every Day: As you track your progress, try to be better than you were the day before in any measure, (sets, reps, weight, etc). Get one more repetition. Lift 5 more lbs. Do it with a shorter rest period. It doesn’t matter what it is. Get better in some way. It’s like watching yourself evolve!
- Take Progress Photos every 4 weeks: There’s nothing more motivating or uplifting than seeing before and after photos during a workout routine.
- Compete With a Friend or Family Member: Friendly competition always helps. See who can bench or squat more weight at the end of the month!
This is why I always advocate for strength training.
It automatically allows you to create a challenge for yourself. There should be some measurable progress in your training from week to week.
Physique changes will be an automatic byproduct of this type of training.
Trust me, it is unbelievably rewarding watching yourself get stronger and beating your previous personal records!
Key Takeaway
Document your journey. Nothing is more fun than seeing before and after progress over time.
Here’s Why You Must Make Time for Exercise
Everyone needs to find a balance between school, work, and regular exercise.
Whether you like it or not, physical activity has to be a part of your life. Every day, more and more research is revealing that inactivity is a major contributor to heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
In addition, the chronic stress we experience from our busy work lives helps contribute to morbidity and mortality.
Those are two great reasons why exercise isn’t optional.
Given the health benefits of exercise, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has come out and recommended that all adults get at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week.
150 minutes is 2 hrs and 30 minutes.
Time management is your priority.
What If I Can’t Make it To The Gym?
Ok, so all of this sounds great, but you have 5 kids, no babysitter and you work 100 hours a week.
You are not exempt.
You owe it to yourself and everyone else you are taking care of to be the best version of yourself.
You need to carve some time out of your day to take care of yourself so that you can show up and be the best you can be for your loved ones.
Even if you cannot make it to the gym, you can train at home!
We created a comprehensive guide on how to work out at home! These exercises will train your entire body, and they can be done in as little as 15-20 minutes a day.
If you are really struggling, then just get some fresh air and do a brisk walk as your workout 3-4x per week.
How Should A Beginner Start Working Out?
Luckily for you, we have created a simple template you can follow that outlines all of the principles we talked about above.
The Key Takeaway Is…
Routines Lead to Habits
I challenge you to use these five tips to fit an exercise session into your post-work routine.
It is not easy, but if you are disciplined enough to do this for a few weeks, you will build the exercise habit.
Studies have shown that habits can be developed with 66 of days of consistent deliberate practice.
Additionally, you will also begin to note significant improvements in the way you feel, your energy levels, and your sleep quality.
Accept the challenge!
Other Related Questions
What Is The Best Time Of The Day To Exercise?
According to science, the best time to exercise is in the morning mid-afternoon. That’s because your cortisol levels are highest earlier in the day. But in reality, it doesn’t matter that much.
The real answer is: find a time of day that works for you, and that you can be consistent with.
- If you are a morning person and you can do 15 minutes every single morning, then the morning is the best time for you.
- If you can squeeze in 20 minutes during your lunch break consistently, then that’s the best time for you.
- If you can only workout at night, then that’s the best time for you.
I recently started morning workouts as it forces me to be efficient and not spend much time procrastinating.
Is it OK to workout at night?
Yes, it is okay to work out in the evening. Research shows that your body will adapt to whatever time you exercise regularly.
That’s why consistency is the most important thing in fitness.
Find a time and a routine you can stick to. Take full advantage of 30-minute efficient workouts!
Final Words On Finding Time To Workout With A Busy Schedule
Look, I get it.
You’re busy. But that’s not an excuse to let your fitness goals go to crap.
If done correctly, you can make time for the gym in college, medical school, and during a full-time job.
Which of these strategies are you going to implement first?
What is holding you back from engaging in regular workouts?
Comment below and let us know!
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- The Best Exercises Of All Time {Target Every Single Muscle Group}
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- How Long Should A Workout Be? How To Design a Short Workout
Alex Robles, MD, CPT / Brittany Robles, MD, MPH, CPT
Alex & Brittany Robles are physicians, NASM Certified Personal Trainers, and founders of The White Coat Trainer: a resource dedicated to improving the health and fitness of busy professionals using time-efficient strategies. Their advice has been featured in My Fitness Pal, Prevention, Livestrong, Reader’s Digest, Bustle, The Active Times, and more. Learn more about them here.
Totally agree with everything you said. You gotta make it a part of your routine, and you gotta bring those workout clothes with you, mine are always in my car, that way there is just one less excuse you can make.
Absolutely. Having to go home to change makes it less likely that you’ll leave the house again. Bringing everything with you is a game changer.
So, I know this is an old post. But if this is still monitored, I really am looking for advice. I notice you don’t cover night shift workers or people who work seven days a week. I work in a factory. It’s a very physical job. I am currently working seven days a week. Eighty-four hours. I walk twenty-six thousand steps per shift, lift and pull and push all night. But it’s not enough. I eat maybe fifteen hundred calories a day. When I count them to make sure I get enough. Balanced meals, mind. I work half an hour away from home. I’m in bed within an hour of leaving work. I sleep six to seven hours. Get up, walk the dogs, make supper, get ready for work, leave. Got suggestions??
Thanks for your comment.
It sounds like your schedule is pretty jam packed. With that said, 26K steps a day is amazing. Many would argue that you may not need any more exercise than that. From your comment, I’m assuming you want to build some muscle. To be honest, all you would need is an occasional strength training session. Do you work 7 days a week all the time? You could get away with doing a quick 15 minute bodyweight workout at home once or twice a week for starters.